


1. Dataset description

The total number of compounds, including actives and inactives in the training and test sets for the respective models are provided in the table below.

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2. Performance evaluation using MACCS fingerprints

To validate all the models in SuperCypPred webserver we have used preformance measures like accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, ROC-AUC and F measure for both 10 fold cross-validation and external validation. Below, the preformance measures of the best performing model (sampling methods) using MACCS fingerprints for each CYP (both for cross-validation and external set) are reported.

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3.Performance evaluation using Morgan fingerprints

To validate all the models in SuperCypPred web server we have used preformance measures like accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, ROC-AUC and F measure for both 10fold cross-validation and external validation. Below, the preformance measures of the best performing model using Morgan fingerprints for each CYP (both for cross-validation and external set) are reported.

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